söndag 22 april 2012

Movie - The Hunger Games

Today I just needed to do something cause David left,
And I have really waited for the right opportunity to go and see this film.

So I went to Odeon West End.

I really enjoyed this film and I can really recommend it even If you haven't read the book.
But the book's, as I wrote before, is awesome!

It is about the Future. In the Future the "world" is divided into 12 districts, and all of them are quite poor except the Capital.
The main Character Katniss lives in district 12 with her mum and little sister. She lost her dad in a mining accident and after that she became the head of the family.
And every year, just to remind the districts about the past, every year they have a reality show that airs 24h a day.
The show is called The Hunger Games, one girl and one boy from all the districts ,except from the Capital, is selected / forced to join. Then they are taken to an Arena were they are going to kill each other until one finalist are left.
Katniss little sister gets selected and Katniss Volunteers..

The rest is for me to know and for you to find out ;)

Watch the trailer here;

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